Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Humanity Day

The September Eleven popular as nine eleven, a day remembered for an inhuman act. A day of a human tragedy, full of pain and agony, resulting in anger, hatred and anxiety. A question mark asking are we evolved to be known as civilized society. A question challenging our power of learning, learning from two world wars and Hiroshima Nagasaki.

The question is asked at a large to all schools, religious groups and institutions, government and NGO’s. The question is, “Do we remember this day as a monument of hatred and inhuman act? Does this not do the purpose of those who wishes to spread the hatred? Do we wish to heritage such hatred and inhuman act for next generation? Which fruits do you expect from a plant nurtured on revenge and hatred?”

Another question is whispered from a very powerful human act of consolidation. Is this act has not taken the whole civilized society together? How could you reward and recognize the selfless effort of those who helped and supported at that time of crises? Is making this day a symbol of hatred, not an injustice to those efforts? Engraving another black patch in the history of mankind.

Let’s reply to these entire questions. Let’s change the definition and way to reply all inhuman acts. Celebrate the human values and services of all those who had served and pray for the affected one by celebrating this day as “HUMANITY DAY”

The day on which we can visualize the picture of world as a global family. We do an act of humanity to unknowns, considering a member of global family. We organize the group prayer at one time all across the world. We celebrate together and show that any day power of good over evil, love over hatred and society over exile is mightier. Spread the peace and harmony.

Don’t let the future generation ask, “What happened on that day?” Let them gift with a festival of love, where reason of celebration is louder than anything.

A son of a soldier is challenging “BORDER”:

One little child beating a line
Asking very loud, what crime is mine

My childhood is vacant, my mother's age is flying
My father is with you, my grand mother is dying

You may be too strong, I am a tough guy
You have big army, I have to try

You give many right, but you cannot be right
I defeat you one day, you may be might

You pride of many, your face is odd
Your creator is men, not created by God

With strength of love, forgiveness in my heart
Peace and patience, human is the first

O! Border of nations, caste and creed
One day I will win, defeating fear & greed.

Let’s announce 9/11 Humanity day and find right and new ways to revenge the hatred and inhuman acts.

This will be winning, winning together.

Please forward this mail to the head of nations to take a decision to this request and announce the HUMANITY DAY. The foundation of Global Family.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Leadership Re Engineering - A new Look

Do our eyes still getting the leaders who use the word “WE” and they really mean it. After reaching a door, a confidence visualize on the face of everyone apprehending everything is right now. Where morals are unchallengeable. The voice came as a command of a heart to heart, not a position to motive.

As everything is changing from character to personality, the same is with leadership. The new theme of leadership is more a subjective than a universal quality. The saver of the self is a leader than a saver of a ship. The purpose, opportunity, power, money, skills to play with resources and position are more attractive and influenced qualities of a leader now. Individual benefits have a more weight than to group benefits. The leadership with core qualities is a matter of worship and knowledge sharing than that of a living.

But the leadership in every changing environment is the answer to every pain of a common man. The person, who can initiate a solution and can practice it at the same time, is the expected image of a leader. The acts of whom can be evident equally for the call of inner character and outer personality. Human are not the subject matter of any mechanism but a matter of love, trust and security. A portrait of pains and pleasures, thoughts and actions. The leadership is a quality of a human to live an ideal life to let other do the same. An inspiration for solution, a ray of light in darkest situations.

If the leadership is by counting followers, sorry we are discussing something else. If this is about position, yet an illusion. In the corporate world even, the micro management is required in the absence of leadership in depth only. Lacking of leadership in working hands. The absence of synchronization and impure communication. The conflict of trust and interest.

Leadership is about creating happy, trustworthy and encouraging environment on human values. The onus to take the responsibilities of the team not searching the doors to abscond. No more blame game as seen in recession. How could a leader can sleep and enjoy when the team is on fire?

Leadership of this century is not the leadership of pyramid but that of equality. Although the basic necessity is yet the first call of every civil society today but the new generation is having a new image of a leader. The new definition of leadership. The leadership re engineering.

Leadership re engineering require the basic understanding of others empathetically. The understanding of pain of a common man and providing solution for the same. If not the complete than subsidize it with some other greater pleasure. The leadership which is reachable and accountable. The transparent. The leadership which can lead the river of individual goals and development to the ocean of organizational and social goals. Retaining the human values and ethics. Leadership is to develop the farms for today and grow the trees for tomorrow.

A leader who can visualize the dream of a peaceful and prosper global family। No positions, no money involvement, no powers but purity of intentions, thoughts and action as priority. Treating the human first. This leadership will create the winning atmosphere for all, the winning together.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


आज दिवस इक शुभ है आया
हर पल मैं जीना चाहता हूँ
खोये हुए हर पल को अब
मोती मैं करना चाहता हूँ

हर बिता हुआ पल, नहीं है इक पल
मेरे जीवन का हिस्सा है
पल पल से इक अनुभव को लेकर
पल पल को अनुभव में बदल कर
सीपों सा जीवन चाहता हूँ

हर पल था सपना किसी अपने का
हर पल अपनों को बदलता रहता था
हर सपने में, अपनों को चाह कर
पल पल मै जीवन पिरोता हूँ

नाराज़ कईं हैं, खामोश कई है
कईं न होने का एहसास कराते हैं
हर पल कोई वजूद खोजता
पल पल को वजूद अब करता हूँ

"ह्रदय" दर्द था देता बिता पल कोई
कभी उम्मीद कोई पल देता था
हों पास कोई या दूर कोई
हर पल अपनों को संजोता हूँ


मेरे सपनों की ऊँचाई गगनोँ से नहीं
मेरे सपनों की गहराई सागर से नहीं
मेरे भावों में विचारों में "ह्रदय"
इक ख्वाईश पनपती रहती है

इक मधुर मुस्कान सब अधरों पर
यह छवि हर मानव की रहती है


रातें इतनी ड़री हुई है, नींदें सबकी उड़ी हुई हैं
उजियारे से छाई काली यों, आंखें सबकी चुंधि हुई हैं

रुतबा शौहरत चमड़ी दमड़ी, बाज़ारों की होड़ लगी है
बेचने वाले भी बिकते हैं, बोली यूं पुरजोर लगी है
देख बुढ़ापा सीखे जवानी, ख्वाइशोँ के दलदल में धसी हुई है

बियाबान परिवार हो रहे, प्रेम प्यार के अभाव हो रहे
सब पर राजयोग यूँ छाया, बच्चों पर दासों के प्रभाव हो रहे
यूँ आज़ादी मनाये जननी जनक सब, संस्कारों की छलनी हुई है

झूठ प्रथा लालची है काबिल, अवसरवादी चाल हुई है
प्रेम बंट रहा गलियारों में, सबमें बाँट बटोर हुई है
छोटी रहे मंजिलें बड़ी है, अंतर पर धूल जमी हुई है

शिक्षा पैसा, शिक्षा व्यवसाय, शिक्षा से रोज़ी चली हुई है
मल मल दुनिया देखे अचरज, लक्षी सरस्वती यूँ मिली हुई है
दोनों की छाया यूँ काली, मानवता कही पर धसी हुई है

भ्रम एक देखा नया अनोखा, कल में जी के, कल के लिए जीता
जोड़े हर दम उस की खातिर, वों घर जो वह कभी पिरोता
बीज संजोता, पौधे संजोता, धरती मलवे में धसी हुई है

विचार बिक रहे बाज़ारों में, कलमों की पहचान हो रही
पल पल बनती बिकती मर्यादा, राज़, राज और ताज हो रही
हवा चल रही अनजानी यह कैसी, हर रिश्ते में विश्वास की कमी हुई है

मन की चंचलता ने अब, खुद का है उदगार किया
नयनों की इस पीड़ा का, शब्दों के रूप में प्रचार किया
"ह्रदय" जला दो ज्योति अंधियारे में, नव शिशु पे आस लगी हुई है

Saturday, September 4, 2010

गुरु - शिक्षक

सपने तो निगाहें देखती थी मेरी
रातों को कोई और जगता था
मेरे बढने की ख्वाईश तो कइयोँ को थी
मेरे बढने में पसीना उनका ही था

माँ बाप के सपनों की समझ थी मुझे
पर उनके सपनों का आभास ना था
वो सख्त जुबान, दिल था नरम
कभी छोड़ता विश्वास और प्रयास था

मुझे ज्ञान, समझ, विश्वास दिया
मुझे जीने का आधार दिया
पग पग हैं बढते कदम मेरे
मुझे बल और चलने का मार्ग दिया

कलम छड़ी पहचान "गुरु "की
हाथों में माँ सा प्यार लिए
"ह्रदय" सफलता उनकी ही अमान्नत
वो दिलों दिमाग बेमिसाल लिए

जन्म का ऋण सेवा से उतारूं
तुम्हारा ऋण "गुरु" कहा जाये
"ह्रदय" तरसता उनके चरनन को
जिन्हें सही वक़्त समझ पाए

My Teachers

My wealth is my memories
Memories of my past
My school is my treasure
My fun and learning last

My innocence was being cared
My knowledge path to enhance
Empowering me step by step
My rainbow in every chance

My smile and my cry,
My meaning of every word
My emotions and my talent
My understanding of the world

My thoughts and my actions
Image of my purity
Inner of my character
Outer of personality

My angels and my God
Seen beauty in every odd
My gift of love from parents
They live long and happy Lord !